blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

when you live alone

I live alone in a room in a corner of a small city. 

sometimes I do not talk to anyone for several months. 

when I was in telegram I had few contacts in my contact list which I blocked them all.

there was nobody to talk and communication. 

sometimes I think maybe it would be better if I had a Schopenhauer had.

he had a dog. Voltaire also had a dog. 

if I remember rightly Henry David Thoreau lived in jungle and nature for two years.

after that when he came back to New York he said: when I was between animals in nature, I had not seen any savage beast(wild animal) but when I came back to New York I can see that. there are many wild animal here. I feel good just when I live in nature. I feel well just when I'm between animals; not humans.

I do not think that people are simply bad...but I do not feel well when I talk to people. 

maybe I'm like Jean-Jacques Rousseau.