blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

night, scared and tired

I am not fond of governments like north Korea and China. but I think even these dictatorships are doing better than our government. they almost will do nothing for us. no matter what is going to happen: earthquake, flood, virus,. hunger,poverty, and etc...

I am afraid of corona virus.  first of all because of the situation in our country.

a young man who was my mother's cousin, has been dead because of corona virus. a member of their family who talked to my mother. I'm worried about our family.

I feel sleepy.

I feel tired. but in spite of that I wanna finish my work.

there is no contingency plan for covid-19

I wonder if there is a contingency plan for catastrophes  like contagious viral disease such as the new corona virus?

what people should do in this situation?

when I was a student in school, I remember we did the earthquake maneuver.

but why people should not be prepared to standing against the new contagious viral disease such as covid-19?

we had to practice it at school too.

sadly...sitting at night

it is night. i'm sitting on this chair.  I  hear the sound of a cat whining. I don not like the noise.  I hear the disturbing sound of my mind:

be perfect

do not make a mistake

die...commit suicide. 

I am 32 years old.  I will be 33 years old in five month.  the new corona virus has ruined my plan to achieve mext scholarship.

what am I gonna do now? what I Suppose to do now? 

I just don't now. 

I don't even know what will happen to the world?

I am not afraid of my future. I am afraid of children, family and peoples future. 

will they starve to death?

what will happen?  I'm afraid of getting sick and dying.  I am more worried about others than myself.

what will happen?

about the new corona virus

I have been working on my plan of achieving MEXT scholorship for more than a year.

but know the new corona virus ruined my plan and dream.

I don;t know what to say. don't know what to do. 

I don't know what is going to happen. 

I'm afraid. not about myself. but for my family and other people.

I hop developed countries such as U.S.A, Japan,, China and etc can make a medicine for covid-19.