I remember when I was almost 13 years old there was a boy in our classroom named Shirzad. he used to sing this sentence for fun: "I go to school every day...dabroooday" he had a good voice. but as he grew up his voice changed.
I'm disappointed. I was hoping the Corona virus problem would be finished this winter.
I'm worried. because of my family.
it's maybe good to be a fool.
to be worry just for your family. if human kind was so rational to understand this concept that his family is really equal to strangers I think they were going crazy.
my whole family got Corona several times.
the situation of our country and our people is too bad. I don't know what will happen to us until next year.
I don't know what to say. every time I go to bakery or something I encounter irrational people. they do not take Corona seriously and spread the disease.