blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

today's blah

I'm just trying to write in english. i wanna work on ;my writing. I think there is a clear connection between writing skill and speaking skill. 
this was too difficult for me. I worked for more than 15 hours each day this year.
I did not have free time.
it is not good.
i am depressed. 
it's been two years since I work on Japanese. 
not just Japanese but English too. 
I'm not good at speaking and writing but I  can read very well.
I have some problem in listening to.
it's raining now. I do not like rain now because of corona virus. I wish it would not rain so maybe... this virus spread slowly or be wiped out.
I'm curious if high temperature has any effect on the corona virus or not?