blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

blah blah blah

in this website I am gonna write in English. I wanna work on my writing.

everything from MR.nothing

I'm really tired. it is too hard to work hard every day for almost 365 day a year and 15 hours every day.

I'm too tired...depressed.

I don't know why I have never been disappointed. there is too much pressure on me.

my brother drove to the garden of our son-in-law in my younger brother's car. I could go there but I decided to not go there because I did not want to spread the possible corona virus. but my younger brother who live with us can go there. why I should not go?

this is my ridiculous life. every day...just work...and nothing else.  

why am I afraid of death?

It's not rational and human being is not a simply just a rational creature.

dr keyvan mirhadi said american scientists has made a medication for corona virus

dr mirhadi is an Iranian scientist. he lives in america.
I have heard a really good news about corona. doctors in america have found a medicine that can help the patient of corona virus. the doctor said that the drug has passed second stage of the experiments. 82 patient received medication. the result was satisfactory.  the drug has no important side effect. we have to wait  until the next two steps. after that they are going to produce the medicine in a large quantity. 
his username on instagram is: "_dr.kay_"
the name of the medicine is hrsACE2.
you can find the article on the cell magazine.
that was a promising news. I hope this nightmare ends soon .

it is better to take practical steps along with reading

i was reading about an artist yesterday.  I think his name is Andy Warhol. he was a master at many fields...including: movie making, photography, voice recording, ...
I do not clearly  remember but today I was reading about Wolfgag Guethe. he was has the same characteristic.
I want to do the same. 
I always say that I do not have a good memory and I have problem in memorizing things. but maybe I do not have a big problem in this area.
when I was a journalist I remember that I have learned the lessons very well. I think the reason was that after studying the lesson, we practiced.
I think instead of just reading I have to take practical steps such as text analysis., review, writing, making video and etc...
when I analysis something, I am less likely to forget it.
I think working on writing in English is enough for tonight.

tired of sitting on the chair

today I have read a lot about art on the walls of my room. I like that.

I used to write on scrape of paper and stick it to the wall. but for now I don't wanna do that. may be later.

I have work a lot today...the same as the other days...for sure.

I am weak and tired now. It's been a year since I work 15 hours a day. I'm not tired in the morning but usually I have problem for the rest of the day.

it's 5 o'clock in the morning and there's still some tasks I have to do. 

I need sleep but I still must work on my English writing and also reading.

today's blah

I'm just trying to write in english. i wanna work on ;my writing. I think there is a clear connection between writing skill and speaking skill. 
this was too difficult for me. I worked for more than 15 hours each day this year.
I did not have free time.
it is not good.
i am depressed. 
it's been two years since I work on Japanese. 
not just Japanese but English too. 
I'm not good at speaking and writing but I  can read very well.
I have some problem in listening to.
it's raining now. I do not like rain now because of corona virus. I wish it would not rain so maybe... this virus spread slowly or be wiped out.
I'm curious if high temperature has any effect on the corona virus or not?